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Project - Viral impact on microbes in coastal waters of the Antarctic Peninsula and its ecological implications (VIRANT)


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Claire Evans, Joost Brandsma, et al., 2017. Drivers of interannual variability in virioplankton abundance at the coastal western Antarctic peninsula and the potential effects of climate change. Environmental Microbiology 19 (2), 740-755

Claire Evans & Corina P. D. Brussaard, 2012. Viral lysis and microzooplankton grazing of phytoplankton throughout the Southern Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography 57 (6), 1826-1837

Claire Evans & Corina P. D. Brussaard, 2012. Regional Variation in Lytic and Lysogenic Viral Infection in the Southern Ocean and Its Contribution to Biogeochemical Cycling. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78 (18), 6741-6748

UUID: 7829446e-bab6-53e3-a684-0c6f3d9adff5 | Version:1 | Added on: 31 March 2017 10:50