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Publication - Extent of low-accumulation 'wind glaze' areas on the East Antarctic plateau: implications for continental ice mass balance

T.A. Scambos, M. Frezzotti, et al., 2012. Extent of low-accumulation 'wind glaze' areas on the East Antarctic plateau: implications for continental ice mass balance. Journal of Glaciology 58 (210), 633-647
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T.A. Scambos
M. Frezzotti
T. Haran
J. Bohlander
J.T.M. Lenaerts
M.R. Van Den Broeke
K. Jezek
D. Long
S. Urbini
K. Farness
T. Neumann
M. Albert
J.-G. Winther


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Doi: 10.3189/2012jog11j232 | UUID: 97202b68-aa12-5ef7-9d62-2f31f569821e | Version:1 | Added on: 4 February 2019 12:55