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Publication - Iron from melting glaciers fuels the phytoplankton blooms in Amundsen Sea (Southern Ocean): Iron biogeochemistry

Loes J.A. Gerringa, Anne-Carlijn Alderkamp, et al., 2012. Iron from melting glaciers fuels the phytoplankton blooms in Amundsen Sea (Southern Ocean): Iron biogeochemistry. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 71-76 (2012-09), 16-31
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Loes J.A. Gerringa
Anne-Carlijn Alderkamp
Patrick Laan
Charles-Edouard Thuróczy
Hein J.W. De Baar
Matthew M. Mills
Gert L. van Dijken
Hans van Haren
Kevin R. Arrigo


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Doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.03.007 | UUID: 04f0b4a7-0ca6-5251-a8fd-82fa2c74deaf | Version:1 | Added on: 4 February 2019 12:40