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Publication - Amino acid uptake among wide-ranging moss species may contribute to their strong position in higher-latitude ecosystems

Eveline J. Krab, Johannes H. C. Cornelissen, et al., 2008. Amino acid uptake among wide-ranging moss species may contribute to their strong position in higher-latitude ecosystems. Plant and Soil 304 (1-2), 199-208
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Eveline J. Krab
Johannes H. C. Cornelissen
Simone I. Lang
Richard S. P. van Logtestijn


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Doi: 10.1007/s11104-008-9540-5 | UUID: 0447c4eb-ae9d-5982-88c9-6bd6fb08a49b | Version:1 | Added on: 4 February 2019 12:39