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Dataset - Carbon, pigment, and fluorescent data on (iron-enriched) natural plankton communities

van Leeuwe, M. A. (2000). Carbon, pigment, and fluorescent data on (iron-enriched) natural plankton communities. (v1) Groningen, The Netherlands.
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On a cruise with the RV Polarstern (March-May 1999), natural phytoplankton communities were incubated to find out if the microalgae were able to acclimate to the variable light conditions that are characteristic of the well mixed water column in this region. The cruise covered an area that extended from the Polar Front in the north (ca. 49\260 S 20\260E) to the shelf ice in the south (ca 70\260S 6\260W). Phytoplankton abundance varied tenfold (0.04 - 0.4 mg chl.a L-1), with the higher biomass encountered at the Polar Front. At different sites, natural plankton communities were sampled and incubated in 20-L polycarbonate vessels, with and without addition of 2 nM of Fe, in a 'clean' cool container at ambient temperatures. The algae were exposed to 90 mmol photons m-2 s-1 for at least 24 h, to allow iron-uptake. Subsamples were then transferred to 1-L polycarbonate bottles. A light shift was imposed by incubation for an additional 10 h at 90 and 20 mmol photons m-2 s-1, respectively. Acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus was studied using fluorescence techniques (dual modulation fluorometer, PSi), in relation to chlorophyll a and carbon content, and cell size (determined by flow cytometry). In addition samples were collected for pigment analyses on a transect from 44S to 71S, at the sea surface at 10,20,40,60,80,100 and 200m.

Temporal coverage


21 March 1999 to 7 May 1999

PlatformIn Situ Ocean-based Platforms > Ships
InstrumentIn Situ/laboratory Instruments > Chemical Meters/analyzers > High-performance Liquid Chromatograph (hplc)
InstrumentIn Situ/laboratory Instruments > Chemical Meters/analyzers > Fluorometers (fluorometers)

Data resolution

Latitude resolution

0.1 degree

Longitude resolution

0.3 degree

Horizontal resolution range

10 Km - < 50 Km Or Approximately .09 Degree - < .5 Degree

Vertical resolution

10 m

Vertical resolution range

10 Meters - < 30 Meters

Originating center

Biology Department, University of Groningen, The Netherlands



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Dataset progress

in work

Data quality

Fluorescence data were collected using a dual-modulated fluorometer (Photosystem Instruments). Pigments will be analysed using HPLC, using a two-pump system.

Access constraints

Contact investigator M.A. van Leeuwe.

Use constraints

Contact investigator M.A. van Leeuwe.


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Dif id: NL_ANTARCTIC_FE_PLANKTON | UUID: 1c406c0d-6b10-555b-b8f4-f55129b8c9da | Version:1 | Added on: 22 June 2000 11:51