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Jacqueline Stefels, Maria A. van Leeuwe, et al., 2018. Impact of sea-ice melt on dimethyl sulfide (sulfoniopropionate) inventories in surface waters of Marguerite Bay, West Antarctic Peninsula. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 376 (2122), 20170169

Maria A. van Leeuwe, Letizia Tedesco, et al., 2018. Microalgal community structure and primary production in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice: A synthesis. Elem Sci Anth 6 (2018)

Lisa A. Miller, Francois Fripiat, et al., 2015. Methods for biogeochemical studies of sea ice: The state of the art, caveats, and recommendations. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 3 (2015-01-23), 000038

M. Vogt, C. O&apos;Brien, et al., 2012. Global marine plankton functional type biomass distributions: <i>Phaeocystis</i> spp. Earth System Science Data 4 (1), 107-120

K. Leblanc, J. Arístegui, et al., 2012. A global diatom database – abundance, biovolume and biomass in the world ocean. Earth System Science Data Discussions 5 (1), 147-185

Willem H. van de Poll, P.J. Janknegt, et al., 2009. Excessive irradiance and antioxidant responses of an Antarctic marine diatom exposed to iron limitation and to dynamic irradiance. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 94 (1), 32-37

M.A. van Leeuwe, L.A. Villerius, et al., 2006. An optimized method for automated analysis of algal pigments by HPLC. Marine Chemistry 102 (3-4), 267-275

P. Cartaxana, C.R. Mendes, et al., 2006. Comparative study on microphytobenthic pigments of muddy and sandy intertidal sediments of the Tagus estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 66 (1-2), 225-230


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