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Dataset - Diversity Changes in Soil Mesofauna (Springtails and Oribatid Mites) in the Subarctic (Abisko Swedish Lapland)

Eveline J. Krab (2009). Diversity Changes in Soil Mesofauna (Springtails and Oribatid Mites) in the Subarctic (Abisko Swedish Lapland). (v1)
Please use the citation above when using this dataset. Download as: BibTex or RIS


Turning northern peatlands upside down: disentangling microclimate and substrate quality effect on vertical distribution of Collembola
Article by Eveline J. Krab et all in Functional Ecology
FE_EKrab_UpsideDown.pdf, application/pdf, 267.82 KB, downloaded 5 times
All data
All data from Envisar
data_upside_down.xlsx, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, 46.22 KB, downloaded 5 times

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Dif id: SOIL_INVERTEBRATES_ARCTIC_KRAB_IPY213_NL | UUID: 42eda9a2-1df7-5e45-8cf7-5b2e0833965e | Version:1 | Added on: 9 November 2009 09:02