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Huiskes, A.H.L., Boschker, H.T.S., et al., 2006. Stable isotope ratios as a tool for assessing changes in carbon and nutrient sources in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems. Plants and Climate Change , 79-88

Huiskes, A.H.L., Boschker, H.T.S., et al., 2004. Stable isotope ratios as a tool for assessing the marine influence on Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems. Terra Antarctica Reports (11), 33-36

Lud, D., Buma, A.G.J., et al., 2001. DNA damage and photosynthetic performance in the Antarctic terrestrial alga Prasiola crispa ssp antarctica (Chlorophyta) under manipulated UV-B radiation. Journal of Phycology 37 (4), 459-467

Huiskes, A.H.L., Lud, D., & Moerdijk-Poortvliet, T.C.W., 2001. Field research on the effects of UV-B filters on terrestrial Antarctic vegetation. Responses of Plants to UV-B Radiation 18, 75-86

Lud, D., Huiskes, A.H.L., et al., 2001. The effects of altered levels of UV-B radiation on an Antarctic grass and lichen. Responses of Plants to UV-B Radiation 18

Huiskes, A.H.L., Lud, D., et al., 1999. Impact of UV-B radiation on Antarctic terrestrial vegetation. UV-B and Terrestrial Ecosystems , 313-333