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Dataset - The use of micromorphology in examining the nature and history of Antarctic glacial sediments

Lloyd Davies, Mark T. (2000). The use of micromorphology in examining the nature and history of Antarctic glacial sediments. (v1)
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There are two locations within south Victoria Land, Antarctica where glacial sediments have been analysed using micromorphology. One is Taylor Valley, where a discontinous linear moraine ridge at the snout of the glacier is investigated so to understand whether the deposit is a sublimation or melt out till, and what the diagnostic glacial microstructures are respectively. The second location is the Allan Hills, where an extensive distribution of Sirius glacial sediments can be found. A number of glacial diamict samples are being analysed again using the technique micromorphology so to help determine the character of glaciation during the deposition of the Sirius glacial sediments, as well as gauge an insight into whether more than one such episode existed or not.

Temporal coverage


20 November 1999 to 20 January 2000

Paleo temporal coverage

Chronostratigraphic unit

  • Phanerozoic > Cenozoic > Quaternary > Holocene
  • Phanerozoic > Cenozoic > Neogene

PlatformIn Situ Land-based Platforms > Field Surveys (field Surveys)
InstrumentIn Situ/laboratory Instruments > Photon/optical Detectors > Visual Observations (visual Observations)
PlatformIn Situ Land-based Platforms > Ground-based Observations (ground-based Observations)
InstrumentIn Situ/laboratory Instruments > Photon/optical Detectors > Visual Observations (visual Observations)

Originating center

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam



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Dataset progress

in work

Data quality

All glacial sediments are sampled so to be prepared and analysed using micromorphology in accordance with the 'bench mark' paper titled 'Microscopic Evidence of Subglacial Deformation' published by J.J.M. van der Meer (1993) in Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol.12, pp.554-587.

Access constraints

Contact the investigator, Mark T. Lloyd Davies

Use constraints

Contact the investigator, Mark T. Lloyd Davies


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Dif id: NL_ANTARCTIC_GLACIAL_SEDS | UUID: afd21606-e301-5cef-9f68-cef9982bb91c | Version:1 | Added on: 28 June 2000 11:38